
Synology - 9to5Mac 2020-4-6 · Using a dedicated device like a Synology NAS drive to host your Plex media library offers a variety of advantages over using a Mac. In addition to being able to … Synology Drive_Synology DriveMac 版_Synology … 2019-6-6 · Synology Drive for Mac v5.1.4 发表您的观点 分享到: 2557 次查看 1268 次下载 分类:工具 标签:synology ios io syncs sync synology nas na vias vium documents document edits edit folders folder offlines offline automatically


2017-11-9 · Synology 2017年最让我期待的就是Virtual Machine Manager(简称VMM),一直以来大家都知道Synology的软件技术非常强大,我相信不少人因为强大的DSM而爱用Synolgoy的产品与服务,往企业化迈进我算是受惠者之一,因为VM的使用是我的需求 免费: synology drive mac 下载-windows: …

How to Back up your Mac to Synology NAS with Time Machine

So I finally got my synology set up and have an Ironwolf 8tb nas drive inside. But whenever I upload a video file it takes a long, long time to transfer across to my folder in Filestation.. I put all the files on my imac's HDD and open up DSM drag and drop and it takes about 15/20 mins to transfer a 10gb .mkv file at speeds wildly fluctuating Sep 21, 2018 · Best answer: Yes, you can use a Synology NAS for backing up your Mac with Time Machine. Using a NAS also opens up the door to additional features like file storage, setting up a media server, and much more. Amazon: Synology DS218+ ($298) May 16, 2019 · Synology Cloud Station Drive is an application designed to synchronize files between your Synology NAS and computers via the Internet, ensuring that your data is always up-to-date and enabling you to easily access your files. Even when the Internet connection is not available, you can still view and edit your files offline, and all the changes I asked the Synology rep about this and he said something about 32 vs. 64 bit something or other.This was the first time I've ever opened a ticket with Synology as well as asked you guys! Let's start with Synology. I read on this subreddit they can ssh into your NAS and resolve so I tried it. Jan 03, 2020 · Synology Cloud Station is an application for Windows, Mac and iOS that syncs files between your computers and Synology NAS via the Internet, so that your data and documents are always up-to-date and stay beside you.